Gordeano II

>> Saturday 3 March 2012

Name: Gordeano II
Gender: male, gelding
Breed: Holsteiner, irish draught
Age: 6 years
Colour: light sand chestnut
Discipline(s): showjumping, cross country, english hunter

training notes:
being brought back into work slowly this season, as to not repeat last years incidents.

Competitions & awards
cross country competitions won: Beginner: 0 | Imtermediate: 0 | Advanced: 0 |
showjumping competitions won: Beginner: 0 | Intermediate: 0 | Advanced: 0 |

Completed challenges:

Horses history:
Brought by paige as a 2 year old, ollie had hardly been handled by sims. She spent 6 months working in him; then turned him out for another 6 months. She bought him back up to the stables at 3, and was slowly backed, and by 4 he was popping small courses with more scope any of the staff had ever seen. However, paige made the mistake of pushing him into showing too early, and just before turning 5, he broke down on a 4* course and was rushed into the veterinary surgery on suspicions of a broken leg. He returned home only with traumatizing memories and a hole in his DDT, putting him totally out of work. This year, he has the all clear to be brought back into work, and it is going to be a gradual thing. So dont expect to see him doing any major showing just yet; but when hes back, watch out!


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